Igriș Abbey

Igriş Abbey (Romanian: Mănăstirea Igriș; French: Abbaye de Hégerieux) is a former Cistercian monastery in Sânpetru Mare, Timiș County, Romania. The Igriş Abbey was founded in 1179 as a filial abbey of Pontigny. Here is attested the oldest library in the territory of present day Romania.

Here was buried king Andrew II of Hungary and his second wife, Yolanda de Courtenay.


  1. Novák Lajos, Az egresi cisterci apátság története ("History of the Cistercian Abbey of Egres"), Budapest, 1892.
  2. Christopher Mielke, No Country for old Women. Burial Practices of Hungarian Queens (975-1301), University of Maryland 2010, p. 28 et. seq.